The Case Challenge of Souphanouvong University

Xangkeo School, a Nursery-Kindergarten-Elementary educational institution in Luang Prabang, Laos, focuses on providing comprehensive education from nursery to elementary levels, with a particular emphasis on English and Chinese language instruction.

The main challenge faced by Xangkeo School is the fluctuating number of students, influenced by factors such as parents’ decisions, socioeconomic conditions, and the school’s reputation. This issue has led to decreased income and impacted the school’s reputation.

To address this challenge, the proposed solution is to conduct an ‘Opinion Survey of Parents in Sending Their Children to Xangkeo School.’ This survey aims to understand parents’ needs and expectations, thereby enabling the school to tailor its offerings more effectively.


TOYO Pipes, a Laos-based industrial factory, specializes in the production of various types of pipes, such as PVC, HDPE, PPR, and LDPE pipes. These products are used in water supply, electrical wiring, telecommunications wiring, and agricultural applications. TOYO Pipes, with its advanced technology and international quality certifications, aims to replace imported goods in the Lao market.

The primary challenges faced by TOYO Pipes are a lack of trust in local products and difficulty in accessing new customers for marketing. These challenges have hindered the company’s growth and market penetration.

To overcome these obstacles, a specific solution was proposed, involving a survey and interviews with target customers. This approach aims to better understand customer behavior and needs. Additionally, the company plans to develop marketing channels to increase sales and build trust in TOYO Pipes’ products.


Nakhoneshup Real Estate Buy & Sell Company (NREBSC), located in Luang Prabang, Laos and founded in 2015, is a family-run company, specializing in buying, developing, and selling real estate, including land for agricultural, residential, and commercial purposes.

NREBSC faces a significant challenge in terms of human resources. Most of their staff, being family members or relatives, lack the qualifications and skills necessary for their job roles. This situation has led to inefficiencies and a weakened competitive market position, further exacerbated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To address this issue, a solution is providing expedited training to their current staff, prioritizing this approach over hiring new employees. This training focuses on enhancing skills in ICT, marketing, project management, and accounting. The company aims to improve staff qualifications without the time and cost associated with recruiting new employees, and without laying off current staff who are family members.


Jaidee Eco is dedicated to environmentally sustainable practices in the textile industry, focusing on using natural dyes derived from plants for coloring fabrics. Their approach aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by minimizing the environmental impact of their operations and contributing to sustainable fashion and production methods.

The primary challenge faced by Jaidee Eco Printing is the shortage of raw materials for processing in some seasons, as the leaves and flowers used for dyes have specific growing seasons. This shortage directly impacts their financial management and leads to production delays, missed sales opportunities, increased costs, and reliance on external raw material sources.

To address this challenge, the company, in collaboration with the Young Entrepreneur Support Centre, proposes a solution involving the recycling of local raw materials based on cyclical economic principles. This approach aims to enhance community quality of life, makes people aware of nature’s value, and ensures adequate raw material supply throughout the year. Additionally, the solution includes reskilling and upskilling in eco-printing techniques to innovate production. The goal is to reduce production delays, increase customer satisfaction, save costs and energy, develop a positive reputation, and improve product quality.


Davita Boutique Hotel, opened in January 2018 in the heart of Luang Prabang, Laos, is designed to reflect traditional Lao-style houses, aiming to preserve and showcase the original Lao culture to tourists. The hotel’s mission and vision are focused on offering tourists an authentic experience of Laos’ original houses, with the ultimate goal of becoming a well-known five-star establishment.

Davita Hotel faces two primary challenges: a shortage of personnel and limited recognition among tourists. The main strategic challenge is to increase the hotel’s visibility and reputation to attract more guests and enhance its business performance.

The proposed solution is to leverage online platforms to improve visibility and awareness of the hotel. The hotel plans to create engaging content, including videos and posts on social media channels like TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube, highlighting the hotel’s unique architecture, popularity, beauty, and comfort. This online marketing strategy aims to draw more tourists’ attention, increase the customer base, and ultimately elevate the hotel’s status in the hospitality industry. The impact of these solutions includes improving the hotel’s reputation and stabilizing the customer base, which is crucial for its growth and transition to a five-star rating.